Since September, Roma refugees can receive even more support from the Foundation. Our mobile teams are operating in Przemyśl, Soczewka and Święcice. We plan trainings for organizations dealing with the integration of foreigners. And it all comes thanks to the cooperation between Foundation and CARE International in Poland.
As the leading organization advocating Roma community in Poland, Foundation Towards Dialogue is always where this group needs support. Our mobile teams are deployed in centers resided by refugees of Roma origin. We regularly visit Przemyśl, Soczewka and Święcice. We operate at multiple levels providing free legal and psychological assistance, running animation activities as well as offering mentoring support. We do this with the involvement of Roma cultural assistants. In the upcoming future we will also perform a series of trainings addressed to organizations dealing with foreigners’ integration: ADRA Poland, HumanDoc and Kultura Równości. Our attention will be directed to those who experiences gender-based violence to people belonging to Roma community and LGBT+ groups.
The activities carried out in centers in Przemyśl, Soczewka and Swiecice, as well as a series of trainings for NGOs, are conducted within the framework of “Life-saving and gender-sensitive support, including in the field of reproductive health and protection against gender-based violence for all conflict-affected people in Ukraine and Poland” project and implemented in cooperation with CARE International in Poland and with financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.