selected initiatives of the Foundation
We compiled a report on studies and emergency response Human Rights, Needs and Discrimination – the situation of Roma refugees from Ukraine in Poland, commissioned by the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, in collaboration with the Jaw Dikh Foundation.
We were the patrons of the book Odejdź. Rzecz o polskim rasizmie / Go Away. On Polish racism I Agnieszka Kościańska, Michał Petryk.
Along with Terezín Initiative Institute Prague, Centropa Budapest and Milan Šimečka Foundation from Bratislava, we carried out an international educational project “Facing Holocaust Today – Rescuing European Jewish and Roma Memories”.
We rolled out the project “Mission Assistant – the Future of Educating the Roma in Poland” – part of the Active Citizens – National Fund initiative, more information
We held a series of workshops “Unbiased Journalism. How to write about minority groups without stereotypes?”, in partnership with the Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
In collaboration with the Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews we published Romowie. Przewodnik dla policji / Roma. A manual for the Police
We published the Polish translation of the publication Johann Trollmann and Romani Resistance to the Nazis.
2015 – 2016
Direction Future – 25 years of freedom vs. the Roma as part of the Europe for Citizens program. The aim of the project was to present and introduce the past and present of the Roma. As part of the project, we produced a film documenting the emergence of the Roma socio-political movement in Europe, prepared a publication containing texts relating to the situation of Roma in Europe and hosted a debate on 25 years of freedom in a Roma context.
We published the Dialog-Pheniben quarterly dedicated to social and cultural issues.
We published the book Mano. Chłopiec, który nie wiedział, gdzie jest / A boy who did not know where he is – along with Nisza Publishing House
Hate Speech Alert – preventing hate speech in public space. The project carried out with INTERKULTURALNI PL. Association. The initiative was intended to prevent the use of hate speech by politicians and journalists with respect to social groups most at risk of discrimination.
Roma Online – a multimedia educational portal (part-funded by the Ministry of Administration and Digitation), targeting all parties interested in the Roma.