Christmas collection on children from Roma community

Imagine spending Christmas away from home this year. Not because you want to, but because you have to. You are in a strange place. Your children have finished writing letters to Santa Claus, and tears are squeezing from your eyes. You have no way to fulfill their dreams, because of the war. It took everything away from you… Help us  to make children’s Christmas dreams from Roma community come true – support the Christmas collection organized by Foundation Towards Dialogue for toddlers from the centers in Święcice and Soczewka.

Who will receive support from us?

Since February 24, 2022, on the day when Russia began its invasion on Ukraine, about one hundred thousand Roma have been evacuated to Poland. A significant part of them are families with children. Our data shows that most of them are people who were already living in poverty and exclusion – they’re the weakest people among unprotected groups.

Children who are living in centers where the Foundation Towards Dialogue acts are particularly affected by war. They miss not only their homes and loved ones who stay in Ukraine, but they also miss their schools, their favorite playgrounds, their daily routines.

Learn more about the situation of Roma families forced by the war to leave Ukraine in our reports:

How will we use the collected funds?

We want the children who stay under our care to forget their worries and sadness during the holidays. That’s why we will dedicate collected funds for 150 Christmas gifts for children from Roma community living in centers located in Święcice and Soczewka. These are children who are in special need of warmth and joy.

We are committed to ensure that our gifts will be relevant and deliver real joy to children. That’s why we will consult with kids, parents, grandparents and our team in advance what should be added to packages from Santa Claus. Last year’s gifts included e.g. powerbanks, and this kind of gift caused great joy to the children as they gave them a feeling of independence.  

We will also allocate a part of the raised funds to support Roma Community Center in Warsaw, where children can benefit from a wide range of activities, get support and spend time together. 

Even 5 or 10 zloty is a brick that will allow us to realize our goal.

Our collection runs until January 10, 2024.

Remember that you can make a transfer directly to our account and deduct the amount of the donation from your tax declaration. Be sure to title the transfer as “Donation for statutory purposes”. 

Foundation Towards Dialogue

27 1240 4155 1111 0010 5338 9744

ul. Grzegórzecka 102/31

31-559 Kraków

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