We would like to wish everyone such an end to the summer holidays – with friends, allies in the garden, on the dance floor, in the kitchen and at the table, with adults and kids. On the 24th of September the Reparas Amaro Linaj picnic party was held at the Roma Community Centre.
Reparas Amaro Linaj in Roma language means ‘We remember the summer’. And it was the motto of intercultural and multigenerational picnic organised by the Foundation Towards Dialogue on the last weekend of September. We were supported by Kuchnia Konfliktu for catering, Kwiaciarnia Grafiki for art and Labolatorio Tropical DJ band for music.
The unique atmosphere of the picnic was documented on photos thanks to the support of, among others, the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Foundation. These can be seen on the Foundation’s Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok profiles.
The event was funded by the Warsaw municipality as part of the ‘Warsaw – Open City’ programme, that is operated by Inna Przestrzeń Foundation.