The Centre


A meeting point as well as a space for education and animation, in operation in Warsaw as of July 2022. We offer support in the following matters:


in formal matters, kids’ school enrolment, translations.


we provide medical assistance and occupational activation.


we enhance integration processes and educational activity, hold Polish language lessons for children and adults.


we help rebuild, maintain an effective balance and establish an independent life in the new country.

emergency assistance

we operate in Warsaw in municipality short stay centres and 4 long stay centres and in the PTAK Centre of Humanitarian Aid.

We monitor railway stations.

We provide support and working tools to organisations and institutions in Poland and abroad.


we provide opportunities to make choices and decisions, enter the labour market and belong to a community.

Until the end of November 2022

We have offered support to over 4,000 Roma and have arranged and financed around 500 relocations abroad.

In December 2022

We support around 1,000 Roma refugees from Ukraine; 100 people live in rental accommodation, financed by the Foundation.

Centre for the Roma: ul. Skrzetuskiego 36a, 02-665 Warszawa I Come and visit us Tuesday through Friday, 10 am – 5 pm

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